Growing Roses in Pots

Most varieties of roses (Rosa spp. And cultivars) make very good container plants if you match the size of the rose to your container that accommodates its increase. Roses have deep, fibrous root systems that require a huge pot to yield a healthy plant with rich flowers. Increasing roses present a problem, because the plants get so big — several cultivars growing over 12 feet tall with many divisions — that they’ve corresponding big, very deep root systems. Some rose growers advise against growing climbing roses in containers because they won’t perform well. But there are measures you can take to successfully grow climbing roses.

Cultivar Choice

Climbing roses fluctuate in plant size. Most traditional climbing roses reach 12 to 15 feet tall, and a few grow to 20 feet, such as pink-flowered “Cecile Brunner,” that can be hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 11. For containers, opt for smaller varieties of climbing roses. “Social Climber” grows to 6 ft tall in USDA zones 6 through 9, with spicy-smelling flowers in the summer. The salmon-orange, very fragrant flowers of “Westerland” grace 8-feet-tall canes that are hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9. Increasing mini roses are acceptable for containers, including “Jeanne Lajoie,” which grows in USDA zones 5 through 8, has pink flowers and grows to around 6 ft tall.

Container Choices

To get non-miniature climbing roses, you’ll eventually require a major container about the size of a 15-gallon pot or a half oak barrel. All containers should have drainage holes in the bottom. Start young scaling roses in 2- to 5-gallon pots, upgrading to bigger sizes by a grass size or two bigger annually as they grow. Miniature roses require at least a 2-gallon container. Choose nonporous containers such as plastic or glazed pots for lower-maintenance plants. Porous clay or wooden pots loose water in the ground more quickly and require extra watering, occasionally daily in summer heat.

Growing Mix

All roses, including climbing roses, enjoy a well-draining mixture that’s high in organic matter. Utilizing ordinary garden soil for container roses may introduce pathogens and typically does not offer the proper drainage. Instead, use a quality commercial potting mix containing perlite for good aeration and drainage, or mix together equal portions of a potting mixture and perlite. This mixture is open and loose, allowing the vigorous roots of climbing roses to readily penetrate and spread throughout the mixture. Use new instead of recycled permeable substances.

Watering Needs

You will need to check climbing roses growing in containers frequently for the moisture content of the dirt. Because they have a small volume of dirt, they require more frequent watering than roses in the ground. Water needs increase once the plant is actively growing and during warm weather. Dive down to the top inch of dirt in the grass. When it’s dry, water the rose until the water comes through the pot’s drainage holes. During winter once the plant is water requires decrease.

Root Pruning

In case you’ve got traditional-size climbing roses, that have fibrous roots and also a taproot, try root pruning to develop wholesome root systems in the containers. Because you repot your roses each year or two, while the roots are exposed, prune off the ends of their taproots as opposed to allowing them to bend or bend against the grass bottom. Use pruners cleaned with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol before root pruning, to avoid spreading infection. This stimulates branching growth of fibrous roots, that do the work of getting nutrients and water for the roses.

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