How to Use Arborvitaes as a Fence

Tall, erect arborvitaes (Thuja spp.) , such as American arborvitae (T. occidentalis) and giant arborvitae (T. plicata), work best for use as living fences and privacy screens. Choose a slow-growing cultivar, such as “Techny” (T. occidentalis “Techny”), which grows 12 to 15 feet tall and easily could be controlled to some shorter height, to get a manageable fence. “Green Giant” (T. standishii x plicata “Green Giant”), which grows quickly to 30 feet tall, functions nicely as a privacy screen and/or wind screen in open spaces which could accommodate its height. “Techny” thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, and “Green Giant” thrives in zones 4 through 8.

Measure inward in the property line around half of the adult width of this arborvitae cultivar you decide on. The planting place ought to be in full sun to partial shade for best growth results. “Techny” varieties, which grow 6 to 8 feet broad, have to be planted at least 4 feet from the property line. Since “Green Giant” grows quickly to 10 to 12 feet broad, it ought to be planted at least 6 feet from the property line.

Stretch a garden hose straight where you would like to plant the arborvitae fence, then spray landscaping spray paint on the ground beside the hose to mark the planting row.

Loosen the soil along the marked planting row as deep as you can with a rototiller. Add soil amendments such as compost, sphagnum peat, manure, leaf mould and grass clippings if you’ve got poor soil with poor drainage; then use the rototiller to blend the amendments with the soil. Arborvitae can tolerate soil with a pH of 6 to 8, which ranges from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Check the soil using a soil pH test kit, and add iron sulfate to amend alkaline soil or lime to amend acidic soil, working the amendment into the ground.

Dig a trench along the planting row, which makes it two to three times the width of your young arborvitae plants’ containers. Dig the trench as deep as the containers’ depth.

Place the arborvitaes from the trench, spacing them roughly one-half the adult width of the particular cultivar. Slightly closer spacing is acceptable to get a denser fence, but provide each plant sufficient space to grow.

Fill across the arborvitaes’ root balls with the amended native ground around the trees’ original planting depth, but prevent pushing the soil around their trunks. Pack the soil gently to remove air pockets.

Apply a 2- to- 3-inch thick layer of mulch around the base of this arborvitaes. Keep the mulch away from the trunks to prevent issues with rot and infestation. The mulch will help to retain moisture and suppress weed growth.

Water the arborvitaes heavily and often, preferably with a soaker hose, to maintain their soil moist but not wet. Adhere to this watering routine after planting and during the first year in spring, summer and autumn. Winter watering is usually required just once monthly if the ground dries out however isn’t frozen. After the plants present themselves in the very first year, supplemental water is usually required only in periods of summer drought.

Clip the arborvitaes’ delicate, new development tips with bypass pruners in late spring to shape the plants and encourage a flush of new development to fill in the living fence fast. Never prune back to this old wood because arborvitaes do not produce new development on wood.

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